Conditions of Use
PFI Standards and Technical Bulletins are published to serve proven needs of the pipe fabricating industry at the design level and in actual shop operations. Hence, such needs are continually considered and reviewed by the Engineering Committee of the Pipe Fabrication Institute to provide recommended procedures, which have been demonstrated by collective experiences to fulfill requirements in a manner for Code compliance. However, as the PFI Standards are for minimum requirements the designer or fabricator always has the option of specifying supplementary conditions in the form of requirements beyond the scope of the PFI publications.
The prices of our products are displayed in US currency. All orders, regardless of their origin, are payable in US currency. retains the right to modify its prices at any time. Products are always billed on the basis of the prices in effect at the time when the order is recorded.
PFI Standards and Technical Bulletins are sold online only, delivery is immediate.
All PFI Standards are advisory only. There is no agreement to adhere to any PFI Standard and their use by anyone is entirely voluntary
No refund will be accepted after the Standard or the Technical Bulletin is downloaded to the buyer’s computer.
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Canada office: 655 - 32nd Avenue, Suite 201, Lachine, QC, Canada, H8T 3G6
Web Site administrator : the Pipe Fabrication Institute web site is administrated
by Pador Association Management Group Ltd